Video call hypnotherapy to help with erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection for long enough to have satisfying sex.
Occasionally having erection trouble isn't necessarily a cause for concern. However, if impotence prevents you from having normal sexual relations most of the time it could negatively affect your self-confidence and cause undue stress. It cause also cause problems with your relationships.
Most of the time impotence is a mental problem. To determine whether your impotence is mental or physical, answer the following questions:
If the answer to these questions is yes, your impotence is probably mental and you need to see a hypnotherapist.
The British Journal of Urology reports that hypnotherapy improved the sexual function of men with no organic cause for their impotence at a rate of 80% and outperformed medications (see details here).
The Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology reports that erectile dysfunction that cannot be linked to physical causes has been successfully treated by hypnosis. In this trial, three out of every four men in the trial were helped (see details here).
Occasionally having erection trouble isn't necessarily a cause for concern. However, if impotence prevents you from having normal sexual relations most of the time it could negatively affect your self-confidence and cause undue stress. It cause also cause problems with your relationships.
Most of the time impotence is a mental problem. To determine whether your impotence is mental or physical, answer the following questions:
- Do you get an erection while sleeping?
- Do you get an erection while masturbating?
- Do you get an erection with one lover but not with another?
If the answer to these questions is yes, your impotence is probably mental and you need to see a hypnotherapist.
The British Journal of Urology reports that hypnotherapy improved the sexual function of men with no organic cause for their impotence at a rate of 80% and outperformed medications (see details here).
The Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology reports that erectile dysfunction that cannot be linked to physical causes has been successfully treated by hypnosis. In this trial, three out of every four men in the trial were helped (see details here).
If you're not sure if hypnotherapy can help you, take advantage of our preliminary consultation offer. Meet our hypnotherapist and learn how hypnosis works and have all your questions answered whilst in the safety and comfort of your own home.