Video call hypnotherapy to help with public speaking
Public speaking is the act of sharing information considered valuable, interesting or both with a number of people. Because the public speaker shares information with the public, S-H-A-R-E-S is an appropriate acronym I’d like to share with you for this short guide to public speaking:
S is for self-esteem. It is important to know that you are every bit as valid as anyone in your audience. There is no-one in the audience better than you either. There may be people with more financial value than you, but that just reflects their value to a market place and not humanity and that financial value may, or may not have come with considerable cost to the environment. There may be people in the audience with more experience than you. They are not better than you, just more experienced.
H is for heart and it’s important to remember to have one. It’s important to have empathy for your audience and consider how they might feel when presented with the information you’re sharing with them. It might be a good idea to be sensitive as to how your audience might react to this information before you present it. Offending your audience might not be the best way to communicate your ideas and often it’s not what you say, but how you say it. It helps your audience to consider your ideas more openly if they like you.
A is for authority and it’s a good idea to be an authority on the information you’re sharing publicly. When you’re an authority on your subject it's natural for you to speak with authority on the subject. You don’t have to pretend or act like an authority if you are one. Also, it’s very difficult not to be confident if you are an authority on your subject. Choose a subject you’re enthusiastic and excited about, and becoming an authority is much easier.
R is for real. Be authentic. Be yourself. Let your own personal, one-of-a-kind personality shine through for real. You don’t have to pretend you a robot that is programmed to deliver a flawless speech. You are allowed to make mistakes during your speech and you are allowed to get it right. Enjoy being who you really are and embrace the ups and downs with a sense of fun.
E is for enthusiasm. It’s easy to be enthusiastic if you’re an authority on your subject, you’re comfortable in your own skin and you’re not pretending to be something you’re not. Enthusiasm is contagious and it’s easy to win your audience over to liking you if you’re enthusiastic about your subject.
S is for structure. Be prepared and know what you’re going to say:
Sticking to these six principles of public speaking will help you to deliver speeches that are effective and enjoyable. These principles will also help you to prevent stage fright and allow you to enjoy yourself while you share your information.
If you're not sure if hypnotherapy can help you, take advantage of our preliminary consultation offer. Meet our hypnotherapist and learn how hypnosis works and have all your questions answered whilst in the safety and comfort of your own home.
S is for self-esteem. It is important to know that you are every bit as valid as anyone in your audience. There is no-one in the audience better than you either. There may be people with more financial value than you, but that just reflects their value to a market place and not humanity and that financial value may, or may not have come with considerable cost to the environment. There may be people in the audience with more experience than you. They are not better than you, just more experienced.
H is for heart and it’s important to remember to have one. It’s important to have empathy for your audience and consider how they might feel when presented with the information you’re sharing with them. It might be a good idea to be sensitive as to how your audience might react to this information before you present it. Offending your audience might not be the best way to communicate your ideas and often it’s not what you say, but how you say it. It helps your audience to consider your ideas more openly if they like you.
A is for authority and it’s a good idea to be an authority on the information you’re sharing publicly. When you’re an authority on your subject it's natural for you to speak with authority on the subject. You don’t have to pretend or act like an authority if you are one. Also, it’s very difficult not to be confident if you are an authority on your subject. Choose a subject you’re enthusiastic and excited about, and becoming an authority is much easier.
R is for real. Be authentic. Be yourself. Let your own personal, one-of-a-kind personality shine through for real. You don’t have to pretend you a robot that is programmed to deliver a flawless speech. You are allowed to make mistakes during your speech and you are allowed to get it right. Enjoy being who you really are and embrace the ups and downs with a sense of fun.
E is for enthusiasm. It’s easy to be enthusiastic if you’re an authority on your subject, you’re comfortable in your own skin and you’re not pretending to be something you’re not. Enthusiasm is contagious and it’s easy to win your audience over to liking you if you’re enthusiastic about your subject.
S is for structure. Be prepared and know what you’re going to say:
- Have a clearly defined goal as to what you want to achieve by giving your speech. You could make this goal the title of your speech.
- Have an introduction so you can tell your audience what your title means and what you’re going to tell them them during your speech.
- Have a body to your speech which is the information you prepared your audience to receive during your introduction.
- Have a conclusion so you can tell your audience that you've given them the information you described in the body of your speech and that you have achieved your goal described to them in the title.
Sticking to these six principles of public speaking will help you to deliver speeches that are effective and enjoyable. These principles will also help you to prevent stage fright and allow you to enjoy yourself while you share your information.
If you're not sure if hypnotherapy can help you, take advantage of our preliminary consultation offer. Meet our hypnotherapist and learn how hypnosis works and have all your questions answered whilst in the safety and comfort of your own home.